Fantasy Books and Wind-Whipped Umbrellas

 In A Life of Death, BookLover CatLady, books, ebook, fantasy, fiction, Heidi Ruby Miller, PhatPuppy Art, strange circumstances, Weston Kincade

Wow! That’s all I can say. The last few months have flown by in a flurry of wind-whipped umbrellas, much like our Memorial Day camping trip.

Jonah huddling with Athena

Last night our trip at Pymatuning was called on account of rain, wind, flooding, and a weather forecast that couldn’t predict what the rest of the night had in store. We pulled up stakes with the rain whipping about and mud sloshing around our sandals. Die-hard campers would have stayed (and I salute them), but as our makeshift hobbit hollow began to crash down around us and the tent proved far less reselient than expected, we made the decision.

How does that relate to what’s been going on in my writing?

Well, we haven’t given up, and overall I call the trip a success. The fishing on Pymatuning Lake was good, the company grand, and the first night around the campfire spectacular. Needless to say, we will go back again. One small hurdle may have caused us to stumble, but like in the journey of my A Life of Death trilogy, in the end I will rise above with the help of friends, family, and fans.

The first two books in the series were published previously by Books of the Dead Press to glowing reviews, but the press downsized. My rights were returned early. However, this proved to be a blessing in disguise since I was gearing up to finish the final book in the trilogy, Sacrifices.

Now, 6 months later, so many things have come together that I don’t have words. Claudia and Catie at PhatPuppy Art did an outstanding job with the covers to all three books in the trilogy. The pre-release of A Life of Death: Book 1 is climbing the charts, and we are still more than 24 hours from release. Initial comments from beta readers and reviewers are quite good, and many people I have come to know and call friends over the years are stepping up to help publicize the event. My thanks to you all.

Fellow author Heidi Ruby Miller even offered to post about the book release on her blog and will be offering her own thoughts on book 1 as soon as she’s read it. More info to come about other wonderful spotlights…

While the release itself is just around the corner, May 31st, the A Life of Death release celebration will be June 9th, organized by the fantastic Maxine at BookLover CatLady Publicity. Later, a grand blog tour will commence (more details forthcoming).

Come join us. It should be riproaring fun with prizes, fellow authors joining in, and everyone simply cuttin’ loose.

And to top it off, I’m currently offering a free ebook of Strange Circumstances to all who join me in this writing adventure I call life. Just sign up on my reader email list.

Weston Kincade ~ Author of the A Life of Death trilogy, The Priors, and Strange Circumstances

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