Episode One Release! Let’s Get Amazon to Pricematch the Episode to Free!
The first episode of A Life of Death in e-book just went up for free on Barnes and Noble and the Sony e-reader store. For some reason, the description is missing on the B&N store, but they should have the kinks worked out soon. If you’ve read it and would like to leave a review, please do. Reviews are always helpful to readers looking for good books. I don’t have an apple device to check, but it should be available in the iBook store soon too if not already.
My publisher decided to serialize them to get more to the reader for free and really get the word out, and I love the idea. Episode 2 is out on Amazon and will soon be available on the other sites. Episode 3 is scheduled for release on Amazon come June 29th. The other sites seem to lag behind a couple weeks, but will have it up as soon as possible.
Unfortunately neither are free yet on Amazon. If you’d like to help out and get Amazon to match the price of the other stores, there is a “tell us about a lower price” link on the Amazon book page.
Episode 1 on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Life-Death-Episode-ebook/dp/B00DPXLAR6/ref=sr_1_4?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1374104420&sr=1-4&keywords=a+life+of+death
Just click the link, post either the Sony or B&N link below in the window that pops up along with 0s for cost and shipping, then hit submitand once enough people have done it, Amazon should price match. It could take 4 people or 40. Amazon keeps things pretty confidential, so I don’t know, but if you have a minute to do so, it would be greatly appreciated.
Episode 1 at B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-life-of-death-weston-kincade/1116058403?ean=2940044624689
Episode 1 on Sony: https://ebookstore.sony.com/ebook/weston-kincade/a-life-of-death-episode-1/_/R-400000000000001082959
Weston Kincade ~ Author of the Altered Realities series, A Life of Death collection of novels, and Strange Circumstances